I have a file input as below;
#volume stats
start_time 1
length 2
volume stats
start_time 2
length 2
volume stats
start_time 3
length 2
I need output in below format;
1 33 36 39 42
2 123 126 129 132
3 213 216 219 222
Below is my code;
use strict;
use warnings;
#use File::Find;
# Define file names and its location
my $input = $ARGV[0];
# Grab the vols stats for different intervals
open (INFILE,"$input") or die "Could not open sample.txt: $!";
my $date_time;
my $length;
my $col_1;
my $col_2;
my $col_3;
my $col_4;
foreach my $line (<INFILE>)
if ($line =~ m/start/)
my @date_fields = split(/ /,$line);
$date_time = $date_fields[1];
if ($line =~ m/length/i)
my @length_fields = split(/ /,$line);
$length = $length_fields[1];
if ($line =~ m/0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+/)
my @volume_fields = split(/,/,$line);
$col_1 += $volume_fields[1];
$col_2 += $volume_fields[2];
$col_3 += $volume_fields[3];
$col_4 += $volume_fields[4];
#print "$col_1\n";
if ($line =~ /^$/)
print "$date_time $col_1 $col_2 $col_3 $col_4\n";
close (INFILE);
my code result is;
33 36 39 42
123 126 129 132
BAsically, for each time interval, it just sums up the columns for all the lines and displays all the columns against each time interval.
is your friend here. Try setting it to ''
to enable paragraph mode (separating your data by blank lines).
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
local $/ = '';
while ( <> ) {
my ( $start ) = m/start_time\s+(\d+)/;
my ( $length ) = m/length\s+(\d+)/;
my @row_sum;
for ( m/(0x.*)/g ) {
my ( $key, @values ) = split /,/;
for my $index ( 0..$#values ) {
$row_sum[$index] += $values[$index];
print join ( "\t", $start, @row_sum ), "\n";
1 33 36 39 42
2 123 126 129 132
3 213 216 219 222
NB - using tab stops for output. Can use sprintf
if you need more flexible options.
I would also suggest that instead of:
my $input = $ARGV[0];
open (my $input_fh, '<', $input) or die "Could not open $input: $!";
You would be better off with:
while ( <> ) {
Because <>
is the magic filehandle in perl, that - opens files specified on command line, and reads them one at a time, and if there isn't one, reads STDIN
. This is just like how grep
do it.
So you can still run this with scriptname.pl sample.txt
or you can do curl http://somewebserver/sample.txt | scriptname.pl
or scriptname.pl sample.txt anothersample.txt moresample.txt
Also - if you want to open
the file yourself, you're better off using lexical vars and 3 arg open:
open ( my $input_fh, '<', $ARGV[0] ) or die $!;
And you really shouldn't ever be using 'numbered' variables like $col_1
etc. If there's numbers, then an array is almost always better.