
EXTJS 6 Modern: buffered store + grid: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

Here is the fiddle https://fiddle.sencha.com/?fiddle=1ahm#fiddle/1ahm

Classic theme with nearly the same code works fine.


  • This is a sencha bug you should report in the official forum in a timely manner.

    If it were just this glitch, you could fix it with an override, something like:

        getRange:function(start, end, options) {
            if(!Ext.isNumber(start)) start = 0;
            if(!Ext.isNumber(end)) end = this.getCount();
            me.callOverridden([start, end, options]);

    but I think that Sencha never tested their Modern Grid with a BufferedStore, because once you got around that first bug, the next error will be thrown.