As a newbie i am trying to make List with 3 Items in Cycle.js. But code has bugs. I made jsbin and placed code below as well,output
Problem: when i click on last checkbox, it adds new checkbox (which i did't want), and the old one does not change it's "ON/off" label. Also all except last one, not react at all. What am i doing wrong?
const xs = xstream.default;
const {div, span, input, label, makeDOMDriver} = CycleDOM;
function List(sources) {
var vdom$ = xs.fromArray([
{text: 'Hi'},
{text: 'My'},
{text: 'Ho'}
.map(x => isolate(ListItem)({Props: xs.of(x), DOM: sources.DOM}))
.map(x => x.DOM)
.fold((x, y) => x.concat([y]), [])
.map(x => div('.list', x));
return {
DOM: vdom$
function ListItem(sources) {
const domSource = sources.DOM;
const props$ = sources.Props;
var newValue$ = domSource
.map(ev =>;
var state$ = props$
.map(props => newValue$
.map(val => ({
checked: val,
text: props.text
var vdom$ = state$
.map(state => div('.listItem',[
input('.checker',{attrs: {type: 'checkbox', id: 'toggle'}}),
label({attrs: {for: 'toggle'}}, state.text),
" - ",
span(state.checked ? 'ON' : 'off')
return {
DOM: vdom$
}, {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#app')
A little shorter variant.
1st line, get Items Dom streams array.
2nd line, then combine streams into one stream and wrap elements into parent div
function List(sources) {
var props = [
{text: 'Hi'},
{text: 'My'},
{text: 'Ho'}
var items = => isolate(ListItem)({Props: xs.of(x), DOM: sources.DOM}).DOM);
var vdom$ = xs.combine(...items).map(x => div('.list', x));
return {
DOM: vdom$