I have a server with four mic cards (mic0-mic3), and it works well. how to bind a parallel job(mic_app) to mic0, other parallel job can not run in mic0. how to detect the mic0 has been running for a parallel job(mic_app).
Restricts the offload process to use only the coprocessors specified as the value of the variable.
Set this variable to a comma separated list of target device numbers in the range 0 to (number_of_devices_in_the_system -1), where 0 is the first coprocessor in the system, and (number_of_devices_in_the_system -1) is the last coprocessor in the system.
Coprocessors available for offloading are numbered logically. The function _Offload_number_of_devices() returns the number of available coprocessors. Coprocessor indices that you use in the target specifier of the offload pragmas are in the range 0 to number_of_devices_in_the_system-1.
Default: The offload process uses all devices.
Example: OFFLOAD_DEVICES = 1,2
On a system with more than two coprocessors installed, this setting enables the application to use only coprocessors 1 and 2. Offloads to coprocessors 0 or 1 are performed on the second and third physical coprocessors. Offloads to target numbers higher than 1 wrap-around so that all offloads remain within coprocessors 0 and 1. The function _Offload_number_of_devices() executed on a coprocessor return 0 or 1, when the offload is running on the first or second coprocessor.