
Add localized language app descriptions on app store

I have an app, written in JavaScript and built into Objective C by http://cocoon.io

In other words, I can not edit the C files of the build. Now, I want to do the simplest thing on the world - to add translated app description in multiple languages. On the play store all I need to do is to select and add a new language from the drop down menu and add the corresponding description.

On apple, however, from what I read, I need to set the list of languages available in the drop down from the build. I can't express enough how silly is this!!!

In the iTunes store on the "Localizable Information" language drop down I have only and only English.

Any workaround about this?



  • As far as I understand your question, you just want to add localised App Store descriptions for your app. This works similar in iTunes Connect as it would with the Google Play console. (It's different if you want to localise your app itself. For more info check the official guide.)

    1) Log into iTunes Connect and choose your app

    2) Click on the languages dropdown on the right - default shows your primary language - and click on the little blue "+" to add languages.

    enter image description here

    3) You can now add specific/translated metadata for the new languages. (App description, keywords, marketing URL, support URL; even screenshots if you wish)

    Few notes: