
Ignoring empty elements matched by {} in recursive rule

I would like to describe a nestable condition. Here is what I'm working with :

expr = ( /[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/ ) ;

condop = ( "AND" | "OR" ) ;
condition = expr { condop condition } ;

start = condition ;

I can generate an AST with lines like :

foo AND bar

Here the AST :


But there is an empty list after "bar", because I guess the last time the condition rule is matched, "condop condition" worth an empty string. According to the docs, {} generates an empty list.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening ?


  • What you're seeing is not Grako-specific. You're using both recursion and closures on the same rule.

    There are (more than) two ways to describe those expressions:

    condition = expr { condop expr } ;


    condition = expr [ condop condition ] ;


    condition = expr condop condition | expr;

    which is equivalent to the previous one.

    Left recursion doesn't work in all cases with Grako, so use it at your own risk. The equivalent would be:

    condition = condition condop condition | expr;