
Can's open SAP HANA Vora Manager 1.3 in the browser

I'm on the step "2.5.4 Deploy the SAP HANA Vora Services" of Vora 1.3 installation on my HDP 2.3, when I already successfully installed Vora Manager on my . Next thing I try, accordingly to the manual, is open Manager UI at http://:19000 -- that's where it fails

I'm getting an error message "Too many redirects". The same happens when I try to use that URL in wget:

--2017-01-19 11:02:30--  http://<masterhost>:19000/
Reusing existing connection to <masterhost>:19000.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 307 Temporary Redirect
Location: / [following]

Could there be anything missing in the config?


  • you have not created an initial password file in your /etc/vora/manager and /etc/vora/datatools directory.

    Please follow section 2.5.2 Generate an Initial Password for SAP HANA Vora of the official SAP HANA Vora Installation Guide