Based on formal Pascal EBNF definition (pg69-75), I saw that Pascal only supports 3 primitive types: Integer, Real and String.
In C, any values which are different from 0
can be interpreted as a true
literal. Pascal doesn't work like C. How can Pascal deal with conditional expressions when it doesn't have Boolean type?
The Pascal standard clearly defines the syntax and semantics of a Boolean-type.
Quoting from the document you link to: Required simple-types
The following types shall exist:
c. Boolean-type. The required type-identifier Boolean shall denote the Boolean-type. The Boolean-type shall be an ordinal-type. The values shall be the enumeration of truth values denoted by the required constant-identifiers false and true, such that false is the predecessor of true. (page 16)
The values true and false correspond to the EBNF production:
constant = [ sign ] (constant-identifier | number) | string
which can produce:
constant = constant-identifier
(since [ sign ]
is optional)
A constant-identifier
is just an identifier
Also: Boolean operators
Boolean-expression = expression .
A Boolean-expression shall be an expression that denotes a value of Boolean-type. (page 49)
Table 6 (on the following page) defines the operand and result types of the comparison operators (==
, <=
, >=
, <>
, <
, >
and in
). In all cases, the result type is "Boolean-type".
Finally: If-statements
If the Boolean-expression of the if-statement yields the value true, the statement of the if-statement shall be executed. If the Boolean-expression yields the value false, the statement of the if-statement shall not be executed, and the statement of the else-part, if any, shall be executed. (page 54)