I've built a simple TreeView with scalajs-react. Each node contains a text field.
I write some text into child 1.1
Now, if I add new child 1.2
below 1
, the text disappears because node 1
with all its children gets re-rendered:
When adding a child in this Javascript-Redux TreeView, the siblings are not re-rendered. How can I achieve that with scalajs-react?
See my code below or a minimal example project on GitHub.
case class Node(text: String, children: Vector[Node])
object TreeView {
val childNode = Node("1.1", Vector())
val parentNode = Node("1", Vector(childNode))
val rootNode = ScalaComponent.builder[Unit]("Node")
class NodeBackend($ : BackendScope[Unit, Node]) {
def addChild =
_.copy(children = $.state.runNow().children :+ Node("1.2", Vector())))
def render(node: Node): VdomElement = {
val children =
if (node.children.nonEmpty)
node.children.toVdomArray(child => {
val childNode = ScalaComponent.builder[Unit]("Node")
else EmptyVdom
node.text, <.input(), <.button("Add child", ^.onClick --> addChild),
def apply() = rootNode()
This is more along the lines of how to do it:
case class Node(label: String, text: String, children: Vector[Node])
object TreeView {
val childNode = Node("1.1", "", Vector.empty)
val parentNode = Node("1", "", Vector(childNode))
val NodeComponent = ScalaComponent.builder[Node]("Node")
class NodeBackend($: BackendScope[Node, Node]) {
def addChild =
$.modState(s =>
s.copy(children = s.children :+ Node("1.2", "", Vector.empty)))
val onTextChange: ReactEventFromInput => Callback =
_.extract(_.target.value)(t => $.modState(_.copy(text = t)))
def render(node: Node): VdomElement = {
val children =
node.children.toVdomArray(child =>
val input =
^.value := node.text,
^.onChange ==> onTextChange)
node.label, input, <.button("Add child", ^.onClick --> addChild),
def root = NodeComponent(parentNode)
That'll do. This still concerns me because you're using stateful components which are dangerous because they're the high-level version of a big mutable variable. You might find that React makes the wrong call and throws your state away at runtime in certain situations. You can achieve the same goals in a safer way statelessly, check out https://japgolly.github.io/scalajs-react/#examples/state-snapshot for one of the ways it can be done. Hope that helps.