In html type of field one attribute is available, In which we can pass True/False.
body_html = fields.Html('Body', translate=True, sanitize=False, help="Rich-text/HTML version of the message (placeholders may be used here)")
body_html = fields.Html('Body', translate=True, sanitize=True, help="Rich-text/HTML version of the message (placeholders may be used here)")
If we set True/False then we are getting same result.
What is difference if we set True/False in this field ?
It's just telling Odoo if to clean html code, like deleting scripts, tags/nodes, etc. For more information look into the code.
def html_sanitize(src, silent=True, sanitize_tags=True, sanitize_attributes=False, sanitize_style=False, strip_style=False, strip_classes=False):
if not src:
return src
src = ustr(src, errors='replace')
# html: remove encoding attribute inside tags
doctype = re.compile(r'(<[^>]*\s)(encoding=(["\'][^"\']*?["\']|[^\s\n\r>]+)(\s[^>]*|/)?>)', re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
src = doctype.sub(r"", src)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.html_sanitize')
# html encode email tags
part = re.compile(r"(<(([^a<>]|a[^<>\s])[^<>]*)@[^<>]+>)", re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
# remove results containing cite="mid:email_like@address" (ex: blockquote cite)
# cite_except = re.compile(r"^((?!cite[\s]*=['\"]).)*$", re.IGNORECASE)
src = part.sub(lambda m: ('cite=' not in and 'alt=' not in and cgi.escape( or, src)
# html encode mako tags <% ... %> to decode them later and keep them alive, otherwise they are stripped by the cleaner
src = src.replace('<%', cgi.escape('<%'))
src = src.replace('%>', cgi.escape('%>'))
kwargs = {
'page_structure': True,
'style': strip_style, # True = remove style tags/attrs
'sanitize_style': sanitize_style, # True = sanitize styling
'forms': True, # True = remove form tags
'remove_unknown_tags': False,
'comments': False,
'processing_instructions': False
if sanitize_tags:
kwargs['allow_tags'] = allowed_tags
if etree.LXML_VERSION >= (2, 3, 1):
# kill_tags attribute has been added in version 2.3.1
'kill_tags': tags_to_kill,
'remove_tags': tags_to_remove,
kwargs['remove_tags'] = tags_to_kill + tags_to_remove
if sanitize_attributes and etree.LXML_VERSION >= (3, 1, 0): # lxml < 3.1.0 does not allow to specify safe_attrs. We keep all attributes in order to keep "style"
if strip_classes:
current_safe_attrs = safe_attrs - frozenset(['class'])
current_safe_attrs = safe_attrs
'safe_attrs_only': True,
'safe_attrs': current_safe_attrs,
'safe_attrs_only': False, # keep oe-data attributes + style
'strip_classes': strip_classes, # remove classes, even when keeping other attributes
# some corner cases make the parser crash (such as <SCRIPT/XSS SRC=\"\"></SCRIPT> in test_mail)
cleaner = _Cleaner(**kwargs)
cleaned = cleaner.clean_html(src)
# MAKO compatibility: $, { and } inside quotes are escaped, preventing correct mako execution
cleaned = cleaned.replace('%24', '$')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('%7B', '{')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('%7D', '}')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('%20', ' ')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('%5B', '[')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('%5D', ']')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('%7C', '|')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('<%', '<%')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('%>', '%>')
# html considerations so real html content match database value
cleaned.replace(u'\xa0', ' ')
except etree.ParserError, e:
if 'empty' in str(e):
return ""
if not silent:
logger.warning('ParserError obtained when sanitizing %r', src, exc_info=True)
cleaned = '<p>ParserError when sanitizing</p>'
except Exception:
if not silent:
logger.warning('unknown error obtained when sanitizing %r', src, exc_info=True)
cleaned = '<p>Unknown error when sanitizing</p>'
# this is ugly, but lxml/etree tostring want to put everything in a 'div' that breaks the editor -> remove that
if cleaned.startswith('<div>') and cleaned.endswith('</div>'):
cleaned = cleaned[5:-6]
return cleaned