I need a pair of random longs for property checking with Vavr.
My implementation looks like this:
Gen<Long> longs = Gen.choose(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
Arbitrary<Tuple2<Long, Long>> pairOfLongs = longs
.flatMap(value -> random -> Tuple.of(value, longs.apply(random)))
Is any better/nicer way to do the same in vavr?
Arbitrary<T> can be seen as a function of type
int -> Random -> T
Generating arbitrary integers
Because the sample size is of type int, it would be natural to do the following:
Arbitrary<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> intPairs = size -> {
Gen<Integer> ints = Gen.choose(-size, size);
return random -> Tuple.of(ints.apply(random), ints.apply(random));
Let's test it:
Property.def("print int pairs")
.suchThat(pair -> true)
.check(10, 5);
(-9, 2)
(-2, -10)
(5, -2)
(3, 8)
(-10, 10)
Generating arbitrary long values
Currently we are not able to define a size of type long, so the workaround is to ignore the size and use the full long range:
Arbitrary<Tuple2<Long, Long>> longPairs = ignored -> {
Gen<Long> longs = Gen.choose(Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE);
return random -> Tuple.of(longs.apply(random), longs.apply(random));
Let's test it again:
Property.def("print long pairs")
.suchThat(pair -> true)
.check(0, 5);
(2766956995563010048, 1057025805628715008)
(-6881523912167376896, 7985876340547620864)
(7449864279215405056, 6862094372652388352)
(3203043896949684224, -2508953386204733440)
(1541228130048020480, 4106286124314660864)
Interpreting an integer size as long
The size parameter can be interpreted in a custom way. More specifically we could map a given int size to a long size:
Arbitrary<Tuple2<Long, Long>> longPairs = size -> {
long longSize = ((long) size) << 32;
Gen<Long> longs = Gen.choose(-longSize, longSize);
return random -> Tuple.of(longs.apply(random), longs.apply(random));
However, the last example does not match the full long range. Maybe it is possible to find a better mapping.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of Vavr (formerly known as Javaslang)