
Find used types and members from a specific assembly

I am trying to create a CQLinq query which will give me all types and/or members from a specific assembly that is being used by the rest of the solution.

I need this information so I can move/refactor all the referenced types/members and in the end remove the specific assembly (and all references to it) from the solution.


  • For optimal result presentation, the query can look like:

    let targets = Assemblies.WithName("SpecificAssemblyName").Single().ChildTypesAndMembers.ToHashSet()
    let methodsUser = Application.Methods.UsingAny(targets)
    let typesUser = Application.Types.UsingAny(targets)
    from x in ((IEnumerable<IMember>)typesUser).Concat(methodsUser)
    where !targets.Contains(x)
    select new { 
       called = x.IsMethod ? x.AsMethod.MethodsCalled.Intersect(targets).Concat(x.AsMethod.FieldsUsed.Intersect(targets)) :

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