I have a visual studio solution which has a lot of projects including unit test projects. I am using NDepend API to analyze the solution. The intention is to get the relationship between methods. I am doing this by using MethodsCalled and MethodsCallingMe. Since there are test projects in the solution. I am ending up with lot many relationships as the unit testcases call the actual implementation, which is unnecessary for what I am trying to achieve.
Is there a way to exclude unit test projects when analyzing the solution?
Ndepend - exclude assembly in some ways but not others The link has some information not sure if this can be used with NDepend API.
Any help appreciated.
Are you getting your assemblies through this code?
// 2) obtains assemblies file path to analyze
var assembliesFilePath = (from vsSlnOrProjFilePath in vsSlnOrProjFilePaths
from assembliesFilePathTmp in visualStudioManager.GetAssembliesFromVisualStudioSolutionOrProject(vsSlnOrProjFilePath)
select assembliesFilePathTmp).Distinct().ToArray();
What about a LINQ filtering by assembly name, something like:
.Where(a => !a.Name.ToLower().Contains("test"))