
swfobject flashes white before swf has loaded

I have the following code, I have set the bgcolor and still my page flashes white prior to swf loading. Basically i want the background to always be black, my page body tag has a black background.

<script type="text/javascript">

var path = "/media/19519/la_03.swf";
var videowidth = "955";
var videoid = "swf1454";
var videoheight = "540";
var flashvars = {};
var attributes = {};
var params = {
wmode: "opaque",
bgcolor: "#000000",  
  allowfullscreen: "true",
  allscriptaccess: "always"

swfobject.embedSWF(path, videoid, videowidth, videoheight, "9.0.0", flashvars, params, attributes);



  • it's probably from your swf loading. I had a similar problem with a large swf and the way I got it to stop was to pause the swf in the first frame until it was done loading. Then just put an empty frame at 1 and make it the bg color. Once the swf is ready to go the animation starts