I ran into a problem - I can not configure statistics for passing tests (not steps). All dashboards are built on the basis of counting the test steps. Nowhere can I find information that will help me solve the problem.
Unfortunately, this is not possible with current implementation. The only suggest in this case would be re-structuring test results you send to reportportal. As example, you can use integration with Cucumber. There are two reporters: ScenarioReporter and StepReporter. Step reporter sends each scenario step as separate test item. Scenario reporter aggregates information of all steps executed and then sends only one test item. ReportPortal accepts any structure: you can send suite-test-step as well as test-step or suite-test. Statistics in built based on lower tree level (for items that do not have children). So, for Cucumber's ScenarioReporter, the lowest item is scenario (not a step) and as result you can build statistics on top of Scenarios. Hope it helps.