I have a translation file with nested translations :
"LANG": {
"Dutch": "Néerlandais",
"English": "Anglais",
"French": "Français"
I'm trying to retreive my translations using TranslateService :
this.translate.get(['LANG.French', 'LANG.English', 'LANG.Dutch'])
.subscribe((translations) => {
I thought the translations object would look like this :
translations : {
LANG : {
"Dutch": "Néerlandais",
"English": "Anglais",
"French": "Français"
But in fact it looks like this :
translations : {
LANG.Dutch : "Néerlandais",
LANG.English: "Anglais",
LANG.French: "Français"
And console.log(translations.LANG.French) fails because translations.LANG is undefined.
Is there a way to achieve this ?
In case someone comes here :
.subscribe((translations) => {
It will work but will retrieve the whole object LANG. Thus it may contain some useless properties.