
Google Identity Toolkit returns error 2 when signing in with aol email Id

I have been using Google Identity Toolkit for my GAE (Java) based app for couple years now. I have Google, Facebook and Microsoft federated logins enabled. However, when a user tries to "Sign In with Email" and uses an account, it returns a 503 error, and Error code: Error code: 2. error message on the UI. In the console, the following errors appear:

gitkit.js:242 POST<key> 503 ()
lj.send @ gitkit.js:242
Mj @ gitkit.js:255
Lj.requestGitkitEndpoint @ gitkit.js:256
Oj.createAuthUri @ gitkit.js:258
N @ gitkit.js:190
Vm @ gitkit.js:337
(anonymous) @ gitkit.js:338
(anonymous) @ gitkit.js:79
(anonymous) @ gitkit.js:77
Yc @ gitkit.js:44
g.dispatchEvent @ gitkit.js:42
g.handleEvent @ gitkit.js:70
Mc.a.(anonymous function).a.(anonymous function) @ gitkit.js:41
Uc @ gitkit.js:39
Rc @ gitkit.js:41
Pc.b @ gitkit.js:37
gitkit.js:254  [ 40.291s] [identitytoolkit] createAuthUri: {"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"backendError","message":"Error code: 2"}],"code":503,"message":"Error code: 2"}}

Is this a bug?


  • It was related to AOL shutting down their OIDC service. Google Identity Toolkit team applied a fix to bypass it. The issue was resolved without any code change from my end. Thanks to @bojeil for help.