I am trying to use the 3d.io API on a Node.js server to export a scene as a blender model. I have the sceneId for the scene, however the export API seems to only want a storageKey and I'm not sure how to get one from a sceneId. I have found issues that resolve this for the in-browser case, but not the server-side case.
you can export a scene when it is light-baked in the editor ( it is by default when converted from a floor plan )
In that case, a static geometry is linked to the model that can be exported
The scene structure's level nodes have a bakedModelUrl
const io3d = require('3dio')
.then(result => {
// level node is 2nd hierarchy - below plan node
const level = result.children.find(el => el.type === 'level')
const storageKey = level.bakedModelUrl
.catch(err => {