Below I have a button
that attempts to load remote content ...
import Post exposing (Post)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Http
import Json.Decode as Decode
type alias Model =
{ posts : List Post }
type Msg
= Search String
| PostsReceived (Result Http.Error (List Post))
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Search s ->
cmd =
(Decode.list Post.decode)
|> Http.get ("/posts?author=" ++ s)
|> Http.send PostsReceived
( model, cmd )
PostsReceived (Ok posts) ->
{ model | posts = posts }
! []
PostsReceived (Err error) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
[ onClick (Search "amelia") ]
[ text "Read posts by Amelia" ]
This is a valid Elm program, only there's one little problem: The API doesn't allow me to search by string. This is not allowed
/posts?author=amelia => Malformed Request Error
However, this is allowed
/posts?author=2 => [ {...}, {...}, ... ]
So I must first fetch an author to get his/her id
, and then I can fetch posts using the author's id...
/author?name=amelia => { id: 2, name: "amelia", ... }
How can I sequence one request after the next? Ideally I'd like to cache the authors somewhere in the model so we're only requesting ones that we haven't seen before.
You can use Task.andThen
to chain two tasks together. Assuming that the /posts
response includes the author ID, you can then add that author ID into you model when you handle the response.
Search s ->
getAuthor =
|> Http.get ("/author?name=" ++ s)
|> Http.toTask
getPosts author =
(Decode.list Post.decode)
|> Http.get ("/posts?author=" ++
|> Http.toTask
cmd =
|> Task.andThen getPosts
|> Task.attempt PostsReceived
( model, cmd )
I've got this compiling at if that helps