
Idiomatic way to transform a value by applying a list of functions in Elm

Given a list of functions that transform a value, what is the most idiomatic way to apply them? Example:

    transformations = [ String.replace "dogs" "cats"
                      , String.replace "bark" "purr"
    str = "dogs are the best, they bark"
    foldl (\t acc -> t acc) str transformations

I don't like the (\t acc -> t acc) which seems redundant. But I couldn't come up with another way of writing the last line.

Of course in this simple example I could pull out the String.replace into a function transform (s, r) = String.replace s r. But in my use case the functions are arbitrary. Also I think I can learn something about the language that way :-)


  • The way you did it is idiomatic as the lambda is clear and Elm encourages clarity.

    You could have used List.foldl (<|) str transformations instead of the lambda but that is more cryptic for people that are not used to the reverse pipe being used as a function.

    One other way to do it is:

    applyAll : List (a -> a) -> a -> a 
    applyAll funcs start = 
         List.foldl (<|) start funcs
        transformations = [ String.replace "dogs" "cats"
                          , String.replace "bark" "purr"
        str = "dogs are the best, they bark"
        applyAll transformations str