I am trying to create service fabric cluster in azure devtest lab for creating test environment of my service fabric application. Can someone please provide information on creating ServiceFabric-LabCluster in devtest lab using cicd pipeline
Important link which helped https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/devtestlab/2018/07/11/integrate-azure-devtest-labs-environments-into-your-vsts-continuous-integration-and-delivery-pipeline/
This is the link to Public Repo: https://github.com/Azure/azure-devtestlab
which contains Artifacts and Envionments. Within Envronments contains ServiceFabric-LabCluster which contains azuredeploy.json from where we can get the entire information of the parameters which we need to send from VSTS Pipeline. It also contains Create-ClusterCertificate.ps1 which is used to create certificate for creating cluster.
So first we need to create self-signed certificate if we don't have one by executing this powershell file.
In the VSTS in new release pipeline , we have to get a task Azure DevTest Labs Create Environment.
-adminUsername '$(userName)' -adminPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String '$(password)' -AsPlainText -Force) -certificate '' -certificatePassword 'CertiicatePassword' -certificateThumbprint ''
After creating the pipeline we deploy it and our cluster would be created in azure.