I have a really large Json that I need to stream and parse. The source looks like this:
"Report_Entry": [{
"FirstName": "Brett",
"Position": "13_Delta Corp",
"Worker": "Mr Battles"
"FirstName": "Dan",
"Position": "13_Delta Corp",
"Worker": "Mr Brown"
I would like to do something like this:
InputStream inStream = null;
JsonReader reader = null;
Gson gson = null;
gson = new Gson();
inStream = new FileInputStream("C:\\Downloads\\largereportdata.json");
reader = new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(inStream, "UTF-8"));
List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<Message>();
while (reader.hasNext()) {
Message message = gson.fromJson(reader, Message.class);
//Process the message
class Message{
public String First_Name = null;
public String Position = null;
public String Worker = null;
If i use gson.fromJson for the parent json object of the array, then the whole object is loaded into ONE object with the array inside, but I would like to stream the array out.
The only way I see now is to somehow edit input and remove the parent "Report_Entry" and the trailing braces, which is a terrible way to do it.
Is there a better approach to this?
Unfortunately, the source cannot be changed, and I have to work with this.
Thanks! Daniel
I solved it using Jackson API.
JsonFactory f = new MappingJsonFactory();
JsonParser jp = new JsonFactory().createParser(new File("C:\\Users\\Downloads\\rootpart.json"));
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ReportData reportData = null;
JsonToken current;
current = jp.nextToken();
if (current != JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
System.out.println("Error: root should be object: quitting.");
while (jp.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String fieldName = jp.getCurrentName();
current = jp.nextToken();
if (fieldName.equals("Report_Entry")) {
if (current == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
while (current != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
if (current == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) {
reportData = mapper.readValue(jp, ReportData.class);
current = jp.nextToken();
} else {
} else {