
Where do I find the host IP address for an app deployed in minikube

I'm deploying a spring boot app in minikube that connects to a database running on the host. Where do I find the IP address that the app can use to get back to the host? For docker I can use ifconfig and get the IP address from the docker0 entry. ifconfig shows another device with IP address Would that be how my app would get back to the host?


  • It was the IP address. I passed it to the Spring app running in minikube with a configmap like this:

    kubectl create configmap springdatasourceurl --from-literal=SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://

    The app also needed SPRING_DATASOURCE_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME to be set in a configmap and that credentials SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD and SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME be set as secrets.

    More information on configmap and secret are here.