I have created nodes data as json format. But, I need to pass nodes data to BalkanOrgchart by ajax. But, there is no document related to this. And, i have set colours for each node. I mean different colours. But, it is not reflected on PDF export.
To add css on export, set extrahtml option
Here is an example:
menu: {
exportPdf: {
text: 'Export PDF',
icon: OrgChart.icon.pdf(24,24),
onClick: function(){chart.exportPDF({
extraHtml: document.getElementById('myStyles').outerHTML
<style id="myStyles">
font-family: Helvetica;
.node.QA rect {
fill: #ffffff;
.node.QA text {
fill: #F57C00;
.node.Marketing rect {
.node.Marketing text {
fill: #FFCA28;