I need to create one import script along with media folder which will create necessary banners in db.
I have created a zip file which contains importscript.impex file and media folder with required jsp files.
When I am importing zip file though import script, it starts complaining about media path issue.
Sample Impex -
INSERT_UPDATE Media ; $contentCV[unique=true] ; code[unique=true] ; mediaFormat(qualifier) ; realfilename ; @media[translator=de.hybris.platform.impex.jalo.media.MediaDataTranslator] ; mime[default='image/jpeg'] ; folder(qualifier)[default='images'] ; altText
; ; /images/banners/site/Default/abc.jpg ; Default ; abc.jpg ; /media/abc.jpg ; ; ; ""
How can i give my folder media reference in script ?
Just try using only media name (abc.jpg) without any path in the import script and upload your media zip folder while running your import script.
Go to HMC/Backoffice import tools then upload importsript.impex or *.csv which has the data to import
Import file looks like:
INSERT_UPDATE Media ; &Item ; @media[translator=de.hybris.platform.impex.jalo.media.MediaDataTranslator] ; catalog(id)[allownull=true] ; catalogVersion(catalog(id),version)[unique=true,allownull=true] ; code[unique=true,allownull=true] ; folder(qualifier)[forceWrite=true] ; mediaContainer(catalogVersion(catalog(id),version),qualifier) ; mediaFormat(qualifier) ; realFileName
; Item0 ; 8797897457694.gif ; testContentCatalog ; testContentCatalog:Staged ; ContentPageModel__function_preview ; root ; ; ; ContentPageModel__function_preview.gif
Now in the next screen, you can see the option to upload the associated media folder. There you need to upload a zip file containing the media with the same name you have mentioned in the script.
Click on Start to trigger the job and check it's status from cronJob.