I want to be able to create multiple piecharts in a list. Each pie chart is an representation of the sequence of each argument.
Example: arguments -> 10, 20
arguments gets compiled into a sequence of numbers:
10 -> {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} and 20 -> {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20}
Now i need to create a list of piecharts that was formulated by those sequences.
i tried something and it worked but what if there were to be more arguments. How long would my solving code have to be to solve it:
List[PieChart[Range[10]], PieChart[Range[20]]]
Please help me or give me references on how to do this in a smarted way preparing for more arguments.
You should take a look at Map - Wolfram
So lets imagine you have more arguments: {10,20,48,4.2}
What you want to do is Map each function you want to use, on each one of them.
So the functions you used was List, PieChart & Range
Map Range
to each argument to turn each of them into a sequence of 1 to 'argument' :
Map[Range, {10,20,48,4.2}]
Then map all those lists created by 'Range' to the function PieChart
Map[PieChart, Map[Range, {10,20,48,4.2}]]