I am looking to write a test where I can switch between Offline mode and back to Online mode mid way through a Cucumber test. I can manually achieve this via Dev Tools in Chrome but is there a way to automate this using Poltergeist JS or Headless Chrome?
I know that page.driver
is accessible, in fact I use this for setting cookie values in another test
Given(/^I set the "([^"]*)" cookie value to "([^"]*)" for the domain "([^"]*)"$/) do |cookieName,cookieValue,cookieDomain|
if "#{DRIVER}" == "headless_chrome"
page.driver.browser.manage.add_cookie name: cookieName, value: cookieValue, domain: cookieDomain
page.driver.set_cookie(cookieName, cookieValue, {:domain => cookieDomain})
sleep 1
Unless I'm missing something I can't see how to switch between Offline and Online modes. How can I do this in my test setup?
When using Selenium with Chrome as the driver you can use network_conditions=
page.driver.browser.network_conditions = { offline: true }
I don't believe Poltergeist had similar functionality.