I'am using angular-calendar with a custom template as given here : https://mattlewis92.github.io/angular-calendar/#/custom-templates,
For the month - view i would like to have a "Show more" option which will load more events in the day cell. By default i want to have only 4 events listed on the day cell. Something similar to google calendar.
Let me know how can if i have an option for this in the month view or if i manually need to populate only 4 events and have a show more icon in the array and on click load the remaining in (eventClicked).
I found the answer , by creating a custom template and using a EVENT_LIMIT which i have set to 4 , so by default i will have 4 events listed in month view , and if there are 3 more events , i would get the "3 More" in the month view.
More popup html :
<div class="more-popup scrollbar" *ngIf="moreEvents.length>0"
[ngStyle]="{'top' : moreEventStyles.top , 'left': moreEventStyles.left}">
<div class="header">
<button type="button" class="close close-more-popup" (click)="moreEvents=[]">×</button>
<div class="header-day">{{moreEvents[0].start | date : 'E'}}</div>
<div class="header-date">{{moreEvents[0].start | date : 'd'}} </div>
<div class="body">
<div *ngFor="let e of moreEvents">
<div class="body-events" [ngStyle]="{ backgroundColor: e.color?.primary }"
(click)="handleEvent('Clicked', e)">{{e.title}}</div>
<mwl-calendar-month-view *ngSwitchCase="CalendarView.Month" [viewDate]="viewDate"
[events]="calEvents" [cellTemplate]="customCellTemplate"
(eventClicked)="handleEvent(event, $event.event)"
<ng-template #customCellTemplate let-day="day" let-locale="locale"
let-highlightDay="highlightDay" let-unhighlightDay="unhighlightDay"
let-tooltipAppendToBody="tooltipAppendToBody" let-tooltipDelay="tooltipDelay">
<div class="cal-cell-top">
<span class="cal-day-badge" *ngIf="day.badgeTotal > 0">
{{ day.badgeTotal }}</span>
<span class="cal-day-number">
{{ day.date | calendarDate:'monthViewDayNumber':locale }}</span>
<div *ngIf="day.events.length > 0">
<div *ngFor="let event of day.events; trackBy: trackByEventId; index as i">
<ng-template *ngIf="i < EVENT_LIMIT; then showEventsBlock; else showMoreBlock">
<ng-template #showEventsBlock>
<div class="cal-events" *ngIf="i < EVENT_LIMIT" [ngStyle]="{ backgroundColor: event.color?.primary }"
[ngClass]="event?.cssClass" (mwlClick)="eventClicked.emit({event: event})" [mwlCalendarTooltip]="event.title | calendarEventTitle: 'monthTooltip':event"
[tooltipPlacement]="tooltipPlacement" [tooltipEvent]="event" [tooltipTemplate]="tooltipTemplate"
[tooltipAppendToBody]="tooltipAppendToBody" [tooltipDelay]="tooltipDelay">
<ng-template #showMoreBlock>
<ng-container *ngIf="i === EVENT_LIMIT">
<div class="cal-events" (mwlClick)="handleMoreEvent($event,day.events)">
<a class="showmore"> {{day.events.length - EVENT_LIMIT}} more</a>
handleMoreEvent(e: any , events: LogBookCalendarEvent[]) {
this.moreEvents = events;
this.moreEventStyles.top = `${e.srcElement.offsetTop}px`;
this.moreEventStyles.left = `${e.srcElement.offsetLeft}px`;
this.moreEventStyles = {...this.moreEventStyles};
Screen shot of the result :
On click of the 3 more :