I need to loop through an object PostIts and display the "Id", " Title" with an ejs "forEach" Loop Am using sails.js "1.2.3" and mongodb on local host, but i get error
ReferenceError : postIts is not defined at eval (eval at compile ?
Here is the code on the PostItsController.js
module.exports = {
list: function(req, res) {
// res.view('list');
PostIts.find({}).exec(function(err, postIts) {
if (err) {
res.send(500, { error: 'Database Error' });
res.view('list', { postIts: postIts });
And here is the code on list.ejs
<% postIts.forEach(function(postit){ %>
<%= postit.id %>
<%= postit.title %>
<% }) %>
I should get the value of the ID and title displayed on the list.ejs page in a table, but instead I get an error that the postIts object is not defined.
First of all your route '/postIts/list': { view: 'list' },
should point to an action (since it has backend logic) not a view, so in your case "/postIts/list": "PostItsController.list"
, but if you're using actions2 things would be simpler
Secondly you don't need to tell your users that you have a database error error: "Database Error"
sails generate action post/list
'POST /api/v1/post/list': { action: 'post/list' },
module.exports = {
friendlyName: "List Posts",
description: "List all post in our site",
inputs: {},
exits: {
success: {
description: "The path to your template file",
viewTemplatePath: "list"
fn: async function(inputs) {
var posts = await Post.find();
// All done.
return { postIts: posts };
An Boohoo! it works https://sailsjs.com/documentation/concepts/actions-and-controllers/routing-to-actions