with Svelte3/4 SvelteKit

I've been trying to port my app from older Svelte3/Rollup to newer Vite based setup and am having trouble initializing client to work inside Svelte.
What used to work really well in the past with Svelte3/Rollup was:

Inside /public/index.html (after manually placing into /public/libs:

<script src="/libs/" autoConnect="false"></script>

Inside /src/global-state.js (my global persistent vars):

export var mySocket;
import io from 'io';    // this 'io' global would resolve fine!
io.sails.url = 'http://localhost:1337';
mySocket = io.sails.connect();

Then it was just a matter of importing mySocket variable into any svelte component.

But with newer Svelte/Vite versions this approach doesn't work anymore.
Obviously I now place inside /static/libs and it is located fine by <script> tag in the HTML.
Then calling import io from 'io' gives me a Cannot find module 'io' imported from '....../src/global-state.js' error, which is the heart of my question!

What I've tried, and none of which worked was:

I would really appreciate any clues as to how to proceed! Thank you!


  • No promises beacuse I've never used sails before, but try this out:

    First install both and via NPM.

    npm install --save
    npm install --save

    Then, in global-state.js, use the below code to set up the client:

    import socketIOClient from '';
    import sailsIOClient from '';
    const io = sailsIOClient(socketIOClient);
    io.sails.url = 'http://localhost:1337';
    export const mySocket = io.sails.connect();

    You shouldn't need <script src="/libs/" /> or anything in the /public/libs directory