
Plivo: message not delivering to my plivo number

when I try to send a message to my plivo number, it shows the following error

"this caller id is not allowed for outbound message"


  • Make sure you use a proper Plivo number bought on Plivo, with the "SMS" option checked, as the:

    * src: '***********' number in your script. 

    Then use another bought number as the

    ** dst: '***********'

    So it would look like this (depending of scripting language, this is php):

    import plivo
    auth_id = 'asdaksdbkasjhfsadk'
    auth_token = 'asdsadsadasdsadasdadsadaasdadasdasda'
    client = plivo.RestClient(auth_id, auth_token)
    message_created = client.messages.create(
    src = 'plivo number from *'
    dst = 'plivo number from **'
    txt = 'message you want to send'
