I'm trying to download all page images from a book, and those images are hosted on a IIIF server. Here's the page:
(I got the id for that page from a GUI page)
I thought I could get the metadata for that page with the /info.json route:
But this doesn't include all pages in the book. Does anyone know how one can obtain all pages from a book using the IIIF spec/API? Any help would be appreciated!
Hmm, googling for https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/mirador/c444f7e2-ca30-48ae-87b5-54f93d6ed046
today I saw two results: this post and https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/mirador/c444f7e2-ca30-48ae-87b5-54f93d6ed046.
The latter contains all pages in the book, so I suppose the lesson is to search to see if the given IIIF server has a mirador viewer set up, and if so, to ping that...
Also, the manifest route contains all links expressed cleanly: https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/db2fade4-61ee-4a11-a894-19361c551eed.json