
Basecamp 3 API : How to get comments created by the authorized user?

I am in the process of integrating my webapp with Basecamp 2 (solved, see edit) and 3, and I want to get all of the comments for a todo item for the authorized user.

First I make a call to https://launchpad.37signals.com/authorization.json which returns json that includes the user's identity, something like {"identity":{"id":99999999, ..... }}.

Then I make a call to the URL to get the comments for the item in question and go through them one by one matching the identity.id from above (99999999) with the creator.id for the comment.

The problem is, they don't match! I am working with one Basecamp2 project and one Basecamp3 project. When testing, using comments I wrote, Basecamp2 and Basecamp3 each have different values for creator.id (even though I wrote both comments!), and neither of them match the identity.id from authorization.json.

How do I link them to find which comments were made by the authorized user


EDIT: I figured it out for Basecamp2 - I need to get /people.json which has a mapping from the identity_id of each user to the id for that user in that project. Still not sure how to do it for Basecamp3, which does not include identity_id in people.json!


  • The correct way to do this for Basecamp2 is to get:

    https://basecamp.com/{project_id}/api/v1/people/me.json - the id node contains the id of the authorized user for project {project_id}.

    for Basecamp3:

    https://3.basecampapi.com/{project_id}/my/profile.json - the id node contains the id of the authorized user for project {project_id}.