Good morning everyone, I would like a tip on a small detail of the Projects module that makes my work difficult.
When a new project is created there is the possibility to relate it to either an organization or a contact,but in the field where it is chosen the default value is organization, so every time I create a new project I have to click on organization, select contact, and then choose the contact i want.
How can i get the default value on Contacts? Or at least break the relationship between Projects and Organizations (i don't need it)?
I tried to modify the table vtiger_field from the database, the fieldname is linktoaccountscontacts, and to modify the defaultvalue, but it does not work.
Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks!
if you don't need the relationship between Projects and Organizations you can delete it in the vtiger_fieldmodulerel table:
DELETE FROM vtiger_fieldmodulerel WHERE fieldid IN (SELECT fieldid FROM `vtiger_field` WHERE `fieldname`='linktoaccountscontacts') AND relmodule ='Accounts'