
Making a hemisphere that is not at the origin

I am looking to plot a mostly transparent hemisphere that has a center not at the origin.

I currently have:

Graphics3D[{Red, Opacity[0.13], Sphere[{10, 0, 0}, 35], Axes->True}]

Similarly I have seen an example of how to make a hemisphere:


But then it is centered at the origin. Is there a way to either translate the SphericalPlot, or a way to crop the Sphere for z>0 ?


  • You can try experimenting with ParametricPlot3D, e.g. centered at {10, 10, 10}

    ParametricPlot3D[{Cos[u] Sin[v] + 10, Sin[u] Sin[v] + 10, Cos[v] + 10}, {u, 0, 2 \[Pi]}, {v, 0, \[Pi]/2},
     PlotStyle -> Opacity[0.13],
     Mesh -> None, Axes -> True,
     ColorFunction -> (Red &),
     ViewPoint -> {100, -100, 10},
     ImageSize -> Large]

    enter image description here