I need to export the output from the psmatch2
community-contributed command in Stata.
For example:
psmatch2 treatment var1, neighbor(1) out(depvar)
where treatment
is a dummy variable, var1
is the regressor used to estimate the treatment probability (pscore) and depvar
is the outcome variable of interest. The matching algorithm is a nearest neighbor matching.
I tried to export the results with the community-contributed command esttab
esttab , cells(b se t)
However, instead of the ATT, I get the difference between treated and controls before matching:
The following works for me:
use http://cameron.econ.ucdavis.edu/mmabook/nswpsid.dta, clear
psmatch2 TREAT AGE, neighbor(1) out(RE78)
matrix A = ( r(att) \ r(seatt) )
esttab matrix(A)
r1 -20276.95
r2 3224.725