
How to migrate docker file to okd/openshift template?

I have the following working dockerfile,

#using python3.6 image
FROM python:3.6

#Installing required packages 
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev python3-dev psmisc -y

#Installing a pip package which has django project in-built
RUN pip install <pip-package>

#Running a script->, which installs a app to django project
RUN appconfig 

#Running the django development server.
CMD ["","runserver",""]

How can i design a okd/openshift template yaml/json for this? I prefer a template in which the docker image-build will be handled in the template itself, instead of building a image with docker build and using the image name with tag in template.


  • To export BuldConfig as template:

    1. Create BuildConfig with Dockerfile from a repo:

      oc new-build --name python-app --strategy=docker https://somegitrepo/python-app
    2. Or with inline Dockerfile:

      cat Dockerfile | oc new-build --name python-app --dockerfile=-
    3. Export the BuildConfig as template:

      oc export bc python-app --as-template=python-app-template

    Then you can create DeploymentConfig from the created imagestream and export dc/is too.