
How to create composite unique key in Hybris

Is it possible to create composite unique key in Hybris through items.xml?

In the given example:

        <itemtype  code="SimpleDevice">
            <deployment table="simpleDevice" typecode="20063"/>
                <attribute qualifier="productId" type="java.lang.String">
                    <persistence type="property" />
                    <modifiers unique="true" optional="false" initial="true"/>
                    <description>Device's product ID</description>
                <attribute qualifier="serialNumber" type="java.lang.String">
                    <persistence type="property" />
                    <modifiers unique="true" optional="false" initial="true"/>
                    <description>Device's serial number</description>

How do I combine the 2 attribute to make them behave as a composite unique key? My plan B it's to use some interceptor to check if such a combination already exists before creating it. But I want to avoid overloading the DB when importing several items by Impex.


  • You need to add new unique index in indexes element for using multiple attributes together in an index.

    <itemtype  code="SimpleDevice">
        <deployment table="simpleDevice" typecode="20063"/>
            <attribute qualifier="productId" type="java.lang.String">
                <persistence type="property" />
                <modifiers unique="true" optional="false" initial="true"/>
                <description>Device's product ID</description>
            <attribute qualifier="serialNumber" type="java.lang.String">
                <persistence type="property" />
                <modifiers unique="true" optional="false" initial="true"/>
                <description>Device's serial number</description>
            <index name="SimpleDeviceIdx" unique="true">
                <key attribute="productId" />
                <key attribute="serialNumber" />