
actions in the header of an accordion component

I would like to add actions in the header of the accordion component. The only problem is that if you click the action, the accordion will state chnages between collapsed and expanded.


  <nb-accordion-item #primaryItem expanded="true">
      <nb-actions size="small">
        <nb-action icon="search">Search</nb-action>
        <nb-action icon="star"></nb-action>
        <nb-action icon="star" status="warning"></nb-action>
      item content

Looks like this: enter image description here

I can see in the api that there is a collapsedChange event, but this emits after the change.

AM i out of luck here? IS there a way to intercept and cancel the collapse event?

thanks in advance


  • so seems I'm the only one looking for this. So I built my own custom card to deliver me the functionality I want. you can take this and use it in your own angular project. its a collapsible card with header and footer sections as well as a section for adding actions.

    car component:

    <nb-card accent="{{accentColor}}" status="{{statusColor}}">
        <span class="float-left card-title">
          <ng-content select="[slot=title]"></ng-content>
        <nb-actions size="small" class="float-right">
          <nb-action><button type="button" status="basic" nbButton size="small" (click)="toggleExpand()">
              <nb-icon icon="{{expandedIcon}}"></nb-icon>{{ expandedText }}
          <!-- icon="{{expandedIcon}}" -->
        <span class="float-right" *ngIf="hasActions">
          <ng-content select="[slot=actions]"></ng-content>
      <nb-card-body *ngIf="expandedState" class="content-body">
        <ng-content select="[slot=body]"></ng-content>
      <nb-card-footer *ngIf="expandedState && hasFooter">
        <ng-content select="[slot=footer]"></ng-content>

    component .ts

    import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';
      selector: 'app-content-card',
      templateUrl: './content-card.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./content-card.component.scss'],
    export class ContentCardComponent implements OnInit {
      // STATUS OPTIONS: basic, primary, info, success, warning, danger, control
      // ACCENT OPTIONS: basic, primary, info, success, warning, danger, control
      @Input() hasActions: boolean;
      @Input() hasFooter: boolean;
      @Input() accentColor: string;
      @Input() statusColor: string;
      public readonly upIcon = 'arrowhead-up-outline';
      public readonly downIcon = 'arrowhead-down-outline';
      public readonly hideText = 'hide';
      public readonly showText = 'show';
      public expandedState = true;
      public expandedText: string;
      public expandedIcon: string;
      constructor() {}
      ngOnInit() {
        this.expandedIcon = this.upIcon;
        this.expandedText = this.hideText;
      public toggleExpand(): void {
        this.expandedState = !this.expandedState;
        if (this.expandedState) {
          this.expandedIcon = this.upIcon;
          this.expandedText = this.hideText;
        } else {
          this.expandedIcon = this.downIcon;
          this.expandedText = this.showText;

    component .scss

    .float-right {
      float: right;
    .float-left {
      float: left;