
Jodit: pasting text that calls the html paste pop up fails

I'm adding a Jodit editor to a webpage. I'd like to be able to paste formatted text from, say, MS Word, into the editor. I can paste text that does not call the little pop-up for pasting html text, but not text with formatting. The console logs a warning that addRange(): The given range isn't in document. Indeed, logging window.getSelection().rangeCount returns 0 (instead of 1 in other cases). I have no idea what is wrong as pasting from various programs, of course, works on the website. Am I missing an event?


  • The problem was that the editor was in an ag-grid cell. The different selections in the dialog box when pasting from MS Word into the editor lay outside of the ag-grid cell, and therefore clicking in the dialog ended the ag-grid session mid-edit! As the behavior I was looking for is to keep the formatting, I simply turned off the dialog box (askBeforePasteFromWord: false, askBeforePasteHTML: false). To still handle the pasting from MS Word (because MS Word), added in Jodit's author's code to auto-handle (

                  jodit_editor = new Jodit(text_area_element, {
                  hotkeys: {
                      redo: 'ctrl+z',
                      undo: 'ctrl+y,ctrl+shift+z',
                      indent: 'ctrl+]',
                      outdent: 'ctrl+[',
                      bold: 'ctrl+b',
                      italic: 'ctrl+i',
                      removeFormat: 'ctrl+shift+m',
                      insertOrderedList: 'ctrl+shift+7',
                      insertUnorderedList: 'ctrl+shift+8',
                      openSearchDialog: 'ctrl+f',
                      openReplaceDialog: 'ctrl+r',
                  events: {
                      processPaste: function(event, html){
                          jodit_editor.tempContent = jodit_editor.getEditorValue();
                      afterPaste: function(event){
                          let el = $('<div></div>');
                          el.html(jodit_editor.tempContent ? jodit_editor.tempContent : jodit_editor.getEditorValue());
                          jodit_editor.tempContent = null;
                  askBeforePasteFromWord: false,
                  askBeforePasteHTML: false