I've build a small sample app with Ext JS 7.2 Modern, which only contains of a panel with a button. In the click-handler of the button, a dialog is created and shown with two buttons "ok" and "cancel":
Ext.define('EmpDir.view.MyPanel', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
alias: 'widget.mypanel',
requires: [
viewModel: {
type: 'mypanel'
title: 'My Panel',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
handler: function(button, e) {
var dialog = Ext.create('Ext.Dialog', {
title: 'Dialog',
closable: true,
defaultFocus: '#ok',
maximizable: true,
bodyPadding: 30,
maxWidth: 300,
html: 'This is a dialog, which extends from Panel and adds some extra features.',
buttons: {
ok: {
handler: function() {
// Do something
cancel: {
handler: function() {
// Do something
text: 'MyButton2'
If I then publish the project (not build, but publishing, making a release version to ship to the customer so to say), the text of the two buttons are 'Ok' and 'Cancel', because of the default "en" localization.
Now I want to localize the two buttons, for example, in German. The expected outcome should be 'Ok' and 'Abbrechen'.
So I followed the guides from the Sencha docs here and here.
The first thing I've tried was inserting the following code in app.json.
"requires": [
"locale": "de",
But that did nothing. The text of the buttons was still in English.
Then I've tried the other suggestion
"requires": [
"locales": [
Again, it didn't work.
The fist times I've used Sencha Architect for publishing so I thought, maybe it works with Sencha cmd.
But no, it didn't. It always stays English. I checked the publish folder and couldn't find any locale-xx.js files in there.
However, when I'm previewing the project it works every time.
So after all it was a bug. With help from the support I had to comment the last part of the ext-locale-de.js file, which can be found here: ext\modern\locale\overrides\de
/* Ext.define("Ext.locale.de.grid.filters.menu.Base", {
override: "Ext.grid.filters.menu.Base",
config: {
text: "Filter"
Ext.define('Ext.locale.de.grid.locked.Grid', {
override: 'Ext.grid.locked.Grid',
config: {
columnMenu: {
items: {
region: {
text: 'Region'
regions: {
left: {
menuLabel: 'Verschlossen (Links)'
center: {
menuLabel: 'Freigeschaltet'
right: {
menuLabel: 'Verschlossen (Recht)'
Ext.define("Ext.locale.de.grid.plugin.RowDragDrop", {
override: "Ext.grid.plugin.RowDragDrop",
dragText: "{0} Zeile(n) ausgewählt"