I'm new to DBIx::Class. I'm using it for an API to retun data from my DB and I want to recreate a SELECT * FROM table
with DBIC. With DBI it worked well for me.
What is the best approach to return data "beautiful"? I want to return the data in a array of hashes like:
id => 123,
name => 'name',
But with
my @rs = $schema->resultset('Product')->all;
return \@rs;
I get not the output I want. On inspecting the objects with Data::Dumper I get the following:
$VAR1 = bless( {
'_column_data' => {
'name' => 'test',
'id' => 123'
'_result_source' => $VAR1->{'_result_source'},
'_in_storage' => 1
}, 'DB::Schema::Result::Product' );
I'm sure I have misunderstood the concept of DBIC. How can I get the data of all columns only?
Data::Dumper just spills the guts of a data structure. That's the guts of a DB::Schema::Result::Product object which represents a single row of the Product table.
If you want pretty output from an object, you need to ask the object for that. You can call DBIx::Class::Row methods on them. If you want just the row data from the object, use get_columns
or get_inflated_columns
. They return a hash, so you need to take a reference.
my @rows = map { my %h = $_->get_columns; \%h } @rs;