I am trying to build tour de jewel sample project, downloaded from: nightly build number #1861
I'am using Visual Studio Code. But can not build with termainal message :
Executing task: C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe -jar
c:\Users\Usr\.vscode\extensions\bowlerhatllc.vscode-nextgenas-1.3.0\bin\asconfigc.jar --sdk
C:\Users\Usr\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\@apache-royale\royale-js\royale-asjs --debug=true -
-project d:\xampp\htdocs\apache-royale-0.9.8-bin-js-1861\royale-
asjs\examples\jewel\TourDeJewel\asconfig.json <
command line Error: unknown configuration variable 'js-dynamic-access-unknown-members'.
Please help.
I downloaded and tested that concrete version and seems to be working fine. Even release version too:
> Executing task in folder TourDeJewel: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar /Users/carlosrovira/.vscode/extensions/bowlerhatllc.vscode-nextgenas-1.3.0/bin/asconfigc.jar --sdk /Users/carlosrovira/Dev/Royale/Sdks/apache-royale-0.9.8-bin-js/royale-asjs --debug=true --project /Users/carlosrovira/Dev/Royale/Source/royale-asjs/examples/jewel/TourDeJewel/asconfig.json <
The project 'App' has been successfully compiled.
4.049057994 seconds
Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
I'm using CMD+SHIFt+B
and then selecting Build Debug with AS3 Extension Tour De Jewel
(and Build Release with AS3 Extension Tour De Jewel
Maybe is something in your config. Please check the following links: