In etherpad lite I try to list pads or groups with the api. But I reveive the following message:
{"code":2,"message":"createHTTPError.notFound is not a constructor","data":null}
I've writen an Java-Application doing and I've tried with curl.
With Curl:
curl "http://localhost:9001/api/1/listAllPads&apikey=477da...
"code":2,"message":"createHTTPError.notFound is not a constructor","data":null}
curl "http://localhost:9001/api/1/listAllGroups?apikey=477da3361...
{"code":2,"message":"createHTTPError.notFound is not a constructor","data":null}
Createing author, group, pad for group and session works with the api.
Windows 10
Node.js v12.17.0
No proxy, direct access
Database postgres
Etherpad version Version number: 1.8.4
Git sha: 6a0f73d
Installed plugins
ep_auth_session, ep_adminpads2, ep_etherpad-lite, ep_message_all, ep_headings2, ep_real_time_chat, ep_tables3, ep_author_hover
The error "createHTTPError.notFound is not a constructor" occurred when an unsupported function is called. The api version (1) that you have specified supports following functions only
{ "createGroup" : []
, "createGroupIfNotExistsFor" : ["groupMapper"]
, "deleteGroup" : ["groupID"]
, "listPads" : ["groupID"]
, "createPad" : ["padID", "text"]
, "createGroupPad" : ["groupID", "padName", "text"]
, "createAuthor" : ["name"]
, "createAuthorIfNotExistsFor": ["authorMapper" , "name"]
, "listPadsOfAuthor" : ["authorID"]
, "createSession" : ["groupID", "authorID", "validUntil"]
, "deleteSession" : ["sessionID"]
, "getSessionInfo" : ["sessionID"]
, "listSessionsOfGroup" : ["groupID"]
, "listSessionsOfAuthor" : ["authorID"]
, "getText" : ["padID", "rev"]
, "setText" : ["padID", "text"]
, "getHTML" : ["padID", "rev"]
, "setHTML" : ["padID", "html"]
, "getRevisionsCount" : ["padID"]
, "getLastEdited" : ["padID"]
, "deletePad" : ["padID"]
, "getReadOnlyID" : ["padID"]
, "setPublicStatus" : ["padID", "publicStatus"]
, "getPublicStatus" : ["padID"]
, "listAuthorsOfPad" : ["padID"]
, "padUsersCount" : ["padID"]
The functions, you are requesting are supported by API version 1.1 and 1.2.1.
Here, you can check complete list of functions with their respective API version
Solution: Use the api version 1.2.1 (It supports listAllGroups and listAllPads)
curl "http://localhost:9001/api/1.2.1/listAllPads&apikey=477da...