
Stata coefplot: plot coefficients and corresponding confidence intervals on 2nd axis

When trying to depict two coefficients from one regression on separate axes with Ben Jann's superb coefplot (ssc install coefplot) command, the coefficient to be shown on the 2nd axis is correctly displayed, but its confidence interval is depicted on the 1st scale.

Can anyone explain how I get the CI displayed on the same (2nd) axis as the coefficient it belongs to? I couldn't find any option to change this - and imagine it should be the default, if not the only, option to plot the CI around the point estimate it belongs to.

I use the latest coefplot version with Stata 16.

Here is a minimum example to illustrate the problem:

results plot

webuse union, clear
eststo results: reg idcode i.union grade
coefplot (results, keep(1.union)) (results, keep(grade) xaxis(2))


  • In the line

    coefplot (results, keep(1.union)) (results, keep(grade) xaxis(2))

    you specify the option xaxis(2), but this is not a documented option of coefplot, although it is a valid option of twoway rspike which is called by coefplot. Apparently, if you use xaxis(2) something goes wrong with the communication between coefplot and rspike.

    This works for me:

    coefplot (results, keep(1.union)) (results, keep(grade) axis(2))