
Getting error when set rasa-x admin password with default command

I have deployed RASA open-source and Rasa-x in docker-compose. When setting the admin password for rasa-x using this command, getting an error.

sudo python rasa_x_commands.py create --update admin me admin


File "rasa_x_commands.py", line 102
    command = f"delete {args.username}"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


  • Go > cd /etc/rasa/

    Execute following command:

    docker-compose exec rasa-x bash -c “python3 /app/scripts/manage_users.py create me welcome123 admin --update”’

    Added --update at the end because it gave me the below error message without --update:

    User ‘me’ already exists. You can update the password by running

    sudo python rasa_x_commands.py create --update me admin <new_pw>