
How to use DBeaver to connect to SQL Server? The server SQLEXPRESS is not configured to listen with TCP/IP

I am trying to use DBeaver (7.3.2) in Window to connect to my SQL Server 2019 Express in the same machine. In my SQL Server 2019 Express, I have a sample Northwind database loaded successfully. I have tested the connection in SQL Server 2019 using sa user and no issue.

enter image description here

I have checked SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configuration and enable TCP/IP. And under SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration > Client Protocols, the TCP/IP default port is 1433.

enter image description here

Back to DBeaver, when I click Test Connection, I got the error

The server SQLEXPRESS is not configured to listen with TCP/IP.

enter image description here


  • Found the solution already from http://softwaresalariman.blogspot.com/2007/04/jdbc-to-sql-server-express.html

    After enabling TCP/IP, you have to find out which port number to use. SQL Server Express allocates a port dynamically each time it is started, so to find or configure the port number, continue using SQL Server Configuration Manager …

    Select Properties from the TCP/IP context menu. The TCP/IP Properties dialog should open. Select the IP Addresses tab. In the IPAll node … The TCP Dynamic Ports field shows the currently used port number. If you set that field to blank, then SQL Server Express should not automatically choose another port when it restarts. Set the desired port number in the TCP Port field. Press OK to apply your settings and close the dialog.

    Reset both SQL Browser and SQL Server Express services