
Custom info type and hotword rule

Trying to use customInfoType combined with the hotwordRule. The configuration looks like this (taken from nodeJS implementation):

custom info type:

const customConfig = [{
    infoType: {
      name: 'CZECH_ID'
    regex: {
      pattern: /[0-9]{2,6}-?[0-9]{2,10}\/[0-9]{4}/
    likelihood: 'POSSIBLE'

custom rule set:

const customRuleSet = [{
    infoTypes: [{ name: 'CZECH_ID' }],
    rules: [
        hotwordRule: {
          hotwordRegex: {
            pattern: /^CZID$/
        proximity: {
          windowBefore: 10,
          windowAfter: 0

and here the inspectConfig:

const request = {
    parent: `projects/${projectId}/locations/global`,
    inspectConfig: {
      infoTypes: infoTypes,
      customInfoTypes: customConfig,
      ruleSet: customRuleSet,
      minLikelihood: 'POSSIBLE',
      limits: {
        maxFindingsPerRequest: maxFindings,
      includeQuote: true,
    item: item,

When running it I get:

Error: 3 INVALID_ARGUMENT: `window_before` and `window_after` cannot both be 0.

When I remove the customeRuleSet from the run configuration it passes, without identifying the string though. So it has to do something with the proximity section, not sure what is wrong though.


  • Your json looks off, you aren't including proximity inside of the hotword rule.

    hotword_rule = {
            "hotword_regex": {"pattern": "/^CZID$/"},
            "likelihood_adjustment": {
            "proximity": {"window_before": 10},
        rule_set = [
            {"info_types": [{"name": "CZECH_ID"}], "rules": [{"hotword_rule": hotword_rule}]}

    There is a python example here