I am trying to test a custom Razor component with an EventBack parameter:
@code {
public EventCallback OnClick { get; set; }
I am using bUnit with xUnit to try to test EventCallback. Here's my test method:
public void TestOnClickEvent()
void TestOnClick()
IRenderedComponent<CSInput> component =
builder => builder.Add(
instanceOfCSInput => instanceOfCSInput.OnClick,
When I tried to run the test, I get an ArgumentNullException from RenderComponent(), but I have no idea what could it be since everything is all in lambda.
Apparently, the location function is the issue. I replace the call to the local function with another lambda and it works!
IRenderedComponent<CSInput> component =
builder => builder.Add(
instanceOfCSInput => instanceOfCSInput.OnClick,
() => Assert.True(true)));