
How to check if item is visible - SwiftUI ScrollView

Trying to programmatically determine when an item is being displayed on screen in a ScrollView in SwiftUI. I understand that a ScrollView renders at one time rather than rendering as items appear (like in List), but I am constrained to using ScrollView as I have .scrollTo actions.

I also understand that in UIKit with UIScrollView, it is possible to use a CGRectIntersectsRect between the item frame and the ScrollView frame in the UIScrollViewDelegate but I would prefer to find a solution in SwiftUI if possible.

Example code looks like this:

ScrollView {
    ScrollViewReader { action in
        ZStack {
            VStack {
                ForEach(//array of chats) { chat in
                    //chat display bubble
                        .onAppear(perform: {chatsOnScreen.append(chat)})
                }.onReceive(interactionHandler.$activeChat, perform: { _ in
                    //scroll to active chat

Ideally, when a user scrolls, it would check which items are on screen and zoom the view to fit the largest item on screen.


  • When you use VStack in ScrollView all content is created at once at build time, so onAppear does not fit your intention, instead you should use LazyVStack, which will create each subview only before it appears on screen, so onAppear will be called when you expect it.

    So it should be like

    ScrollViewReader { action in
       ScrollView {
            LazyVStack {                              // << this !!
                ForEach(//array of chats) { chat in
                    //chat display bubble
                        .onAppear(perform: {chatsOnScreen.append(chat)})
                }.onReceive(interactionHandler.$activeChat, perform: { _ in
                    //scroll to active chat